Bright New Year, Bright New Team

Downstream Partners has great news to share. We are growing to help our clients fulfill their enduring commitment to developing their individual – and teams’ – leadership courage, strength, resilience and effectiveness.

In a year that brought many challenges, our clients quickly saw that the skills and practices they’d been building in better times were the same ones called for in the face of 2020’s VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). Their investment in leadership development served them well.

It is our great honor to walk alongside our clients in their leadership journey, and we’re excited to further support them in 2021 with two new team members: Tami Patzer and Mike Adams. I’m also pleased to share that Allison Lucernoni’s role has expanded as she continues to work her client relations magic.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.

Tami Patzer


Tami has joined Downstream to support me with the design and delivery of leadership programs. She has deep experience in developing impactful, tailored learning materials and curricula. And, as a strategist on team engagement, she’s an expert at using the interactive tools that give our virtual workshops pop and zing. Tami is also managing our various leadership assessment tools, including Emergenetics, the Leadership Circle, EQ-i2.0®, Dare to Lead® assessments and more.

Tami brings over 25 years of experience working directly with top national and international executives in a variety of fields. In addition to her valuable business background, she has a master’s in organizational management and a bachelor’s in psychology. Tami is certified in two of Downstream’s favorite leadership assessment tools: EQ-i2.0® and Emergenetics®.

Mike Adams


Mike is adding much-needed operations and technology expertise to our team now that virtual meetings are the norm. In 2020, when everyone had to find substitutes for in-person gatherings, Downstream was determined to do it in ways that keep our connections to each other strong and meaningful. It wasn’t enough for us to simply dial up a Zoom account. We were—and are—intent on using the best technology tools to make our sessions engaging, interesting and fun. While much of Mike’s work is behind the scenes, clients will sometimes see him in our Zoom meetings as he keeps the Downstream tech trains running flawlessly and on time.

Mike has more than 25 years of experience in marketing and public relations, with a particular interest in online communications. He spent seven years working with me at JohnstonWells Public Relations, where he helped build and manage campaigns for multiple clients. Prior to working with Downstream, Mike operated his own business designing and building websites for small businesses. He has a master’s degree in communications from Colorado State University.

Allison Lucernoni


If you’ve attended a live Downstream event or received a pre-workshop kit or other experiential package from us in the past two years, you’ve been a beneficiary of Allison’s great handiwork. She is creative, detail-oriented and laser-focused on giving clients what they need and more. She is so important to how we take care of our clients that she’s now in charge of all scheduling as well.

Allison previously worked in meeting, hospitality, travel and event planning for some of Colorado’s most prominent advertising agencies, a commercial photographer and the nation’s second largest beer company. She has a bachelor’s in communications from Colorado State University.

We can’t look ahead without also honoring someone who helped us get to this point in our evolution. Our sincere thanks go to Abbey O’Neal for her many contributions to Downstream’s growth over the past four years. We wish her all the best in her new endeavors.

Here’s to a bright new year full of possibilities and more courageous leadership,



Reflection & Recovery

