Five Practices of a Healthy and Resilient Organization
Excerpt from GG’s guest post on GroundFloor Media’s blog. Click here to read the full article.
No longer is it enough for organizations to have a healthy internal culture in order to thrive. Two years into the most intense time of change and uncertainty most businesses have ever experienced, we’ve learned that they must also be resilient.
The good news is that we’re all building muscles to work in new, effective ways. We’re also letting go of old patterns that will no longer support us in the challenges ahead. In many cases, these new ways of working are creating breakthrough ideas, opportunities and revenue streams. As essayist William Hazlitt said, “Prosperity is a great teacher; adversity is a greater one.”
Our society is suffering from division, isolation and disengagement in all corners of our lives. As David Leonhardt of the New York Times recently wrote, “People are frustrated and angry, and those feelings are fueling increases in violent crime, customer abuse of workers, student misbehavior in school and vehicle crashes.”
Against this backdrop, businesses are facing new and difficult challenges. Some people are suffering burnout. Others are dealing with serious mental health issues and loss among their teams and in their families. Many organizations are pressed to quickly close development gaps that are a result of vastly different circumstances than they’ve dealt with before. Others are having to let go of decades-long patterns of top-down thinking. All of these situations require brand new skills and new ways of working together.