Oars Up! – Our Rallying Cry for Staying in the Flow

We all know the glorious feeling of being in the flow at work, when something is running smoothly and easily and everything is going (dare we say it??) right. Imagine the great things we could accomplish if every project, personal interaction or task went like this.

But sometimes unexpected challenges disrupt the flow. Or new information requires us to change direction. That’s life, and we learn to manage through it.

Other times, though, we’re so busy pushing and striving that we either forget to look for the flow or recognize when we’re in it. In this lack of awareness, we can even work against the flow. That’s a huge opportunity missed—for creativity, motivation, fun and, ultimately, better outcomes than we thought possible. 

That’s why the Downstream team uses the rallying cry, “Oars Up!” It’s a gentle reminder for ourselves and our clients to get present to the flow in our lives and use it to our advantage. Rowing against the current is slow and exhausting. Instead, we pull up the oars and let the current do the work. 

Would a reminder help you, too? Just ask Allison Lucernoni at allison@downstreampartners.com, and she’ll send you a set of our new Let It Flow and Oars Up stickers. It’s an easy first step toward a more mindful approach to work and life.


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